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Dry Food Products : Oils





Sant Mateu de Bages - Barcelona


The celler is the main element for the correcte conservation of the qualitats dels olis d'olive verge extra. L'oli arrives at the nostre celler després of passing through a mill is it controls the oxidation by oxygen and the conditions of the temperature of the different processes with the amassat, the centrifugat or the filtratge. Finally, the olis verge extra is filtren to eliminate tota l'aig i restes physical of the olive so that no interfereixin in the seva qualitat. A Migjorn tenim a modern celler. Tots els nostres olis is stored in stainless steel dipòsits amb injecció of nitrogen to avoid l'oxidació de l'oli, to avoid the entry of the llum and to control the temperature. Essential elements, together with hygiene, to preserve the maximum possible food and healthy properties of the oli d'oliva verge extra.

Information revised in January 2022