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Dry Food Products : Christmas Products


Tinned/Preserved Produce : Preserved Fruits and Jams

Honey : Thousand Flowers , Eucalyptus , Rosemary , Others






Os de Balaguer - Lleida

Alemany, Aurum

The company The company is going to create als anys setanta quan Miquel Alemany i Hospital will decide to muntar a melter packing machine to expand the manufacture of torrons. Of fet, the company goes néixer per l'augment gradual of l'activitat that ja feia anys that s'estava duent a terme, sobretot perquè is va passar de will come només to the region per a fer-ho to tot Catalunya. Els inicis. ...At the end of the 1800's, Ms. Mundeta will begin to manufacture, in an artisanal way, a caramel fet amb mel i sucre. Més tard, però, goes to fer torrons gràcies to the incorporation of fruits secs. Així, ben aviat is going to stand out among the restaurant d'artesans de les comarques veïnes, which produces an exceptionally white pasta, which, in the day, it faces in a distingeix. At that time, the band dels productes was focused on the municipi, but it is still going to expand the region. L'any 1929, Mrs. Mundeta's net goes to visit the Universal Exhibition of Barcelona, ??where she will acquire a first machine per a coure la pasta. Paral ? lelament, als anys trenta, mr. Miquel Alemany i Boix will also begin to produce mel amb no les arnes mobilistes, which will allow them to increase the production of mel amb molts menys esforços considerably. The volume of melt that commercializes is going to grow sooner than the seu fill is going to install the bottler als anys setanta, fet that ens goes to enter the market with a pròpia brand. It should be noted that as soon as you acquire more products produced by the Spanish State, directly from the producer and defugint qualsevol offer of mel d'importació, d'un qualitat realment dubtosa. In the last years ens hem specialitzat in the monoflorals mels of the country, the pollen and the geral reial. I elaborated a gamma of caramels of mel amb diverses essències: llimó, eucalyptus, mint, etc. L'elaboració de torrons artesans es una altra activitat that ens occupies mesos previs to Nadal. The company Mels Alemany is located in the village of Os de Balaguer, a municipi of the Noguera region, at 14 km from Balaguer, it went to the Vall d'Àger. Os de Balaguer is a small petit d'uns 400 habitants, envoltat per a sèrie de petites muntanyes that provide a particular char. In the face of the nostra activitat, the marc is incomparable, since the great extensions of terreny sense conrear possibiliten the proliferation of aromatic plants -like the romaní or the farigola-, of which we recommend an excellent mel.

Information revised in April 2018